Ms July Islamic Calendar Girl

Ms. July

Ms. July lays back on a sheet in the color of Islamic green. Her black robe appears to be the equivalent of a mini-skirt and is hitched high to show her long slender legs. Red stiletto shoes are a complement to the green of the sheet.

Read Max Emadi's comments on his Islamic Erotica series


wissam said...

that is SO rude u should respect Islamic women feeling
we arent dressed like this that is so untrue
know well the people u r going to paint am so made from this bad paintings

wissam said...

that is untrue we did not dressed like this

Amy said...

Great painting! Love it!!

Anonymous said...

I would like to buy a print of this photo, is there anyway I could do that?

MUHAZZAB said...

That speaks of your level. You are really brilliant in nonsense. Need some money to feed yourself ?

Unknown said...

Just wear this hijab to your wife or your sister / mother and take photo and publish in this site. We will enjoy and give a good comment. I will appreciate your painting ability too.

How do you feel now "Is your temperature is rising".

So, Don't do this rubbish things, and hurt other religion. If you respect others, you will be respected.

If you are brave call me.
My number is +971557212458

P.M.Noor mohideen.
Dubai. U.A.E

Tanpa Nama said...

I know some people think it democracy or freedom, but who respect Islamic freedom.. Because of u. the people like u will killed by terrorist(who cant control their temprature). Fuck ur family n do what u want to make Muslim around the world angry n make propaganda from ur media its terorrist do!! but the questions is whose begin this conflict. sucks ur thinking about freedom!!!

noor said...

Wissam. Aslaam alaikum! I totally agree with you. This so called artist does not know the people the he is pretending to portray. It is utterly offensive, insulting and rude. There is so much beauty in Islam and in Hijab; however instead of exploring and protraying that, the 'artist' choose to paint crap.
From an OBJECTIVE point of view, I personally do not think that the paintings themselves are that good. They are lifeless and bland. I love art, and viewing art, and I am totally UNimpressed with every aspect of this 'work'.

mindhunter said...

We will kill u people Inshalah. U r insulting our religion. Which is shame on you that u can't do anything directly because GOD is with us, that's why u behave like this.
Just make a pic of your sister,Mother and wife then i will definitely but that pic.
Shame on you.
Islam Zindabad.

Muslim Woman said...


I think he is a crazy man. Islamic Women are the most honorable women in the world. Muslim women are promoted and honor has no right to violate privacy. He feels jealous because he wants to know what is under this cover. But he is in dream, because no one can see the beauty of Islamic women except her husband or father or her brothers and her uncles. I challenge him to see the real beauty of Islamic women especially for who are veiled. Islamic women are not crazy to show her beauty to everyone, she respects her husband and not betrayal him in his presence and his absence.

''orang halus'' said...

well,u really lose to bargain women here??well,why not u paint ur sis, and all ur family members??its a good bargain right..well,u will get money and of course,people will like and respect u more..for me,of course i think u r stupid.but for people like u who just know how to entertain urself will enjoy it..forget about humanity because u never know the real meaning of it..well,for sure,u r person with no religion right??because any religion in this world never ever ask its people to do such things like what u did..

Anonymous said...

Some of the people who have commented on this painting truly have no understanding of the artist or his intentions. Makan Emadi is a political genius, if you ask me. His pieces in 'Islamic Erotica' reveal a truth that many Muslim women feel. Whilst some of you may be offended by these images, understand that Emadi is not claiming you dress like this - Wissam, what a stupid interpretation of the painting - but rather expressing an artistic and political opinion.

I think it is brilliant that this artist can take Muslim women and portray them in an American pin-up style. It is creative, ironic and humorous. Emadi is not making fun of Muslim women (so stop being so offended) but rather exploring it. In an interview Emadi said,

"To imagine Western art without the nude is, in contrast, impossible. These paintings revisit Western tradition of "pinup" art and its loving contribution to the objectification of women through overexposure and unnatural posing of the female model. The sexism of the East is more direct, and is most apparent in its mandated repressive female clothing. By combining these seemingly contradictory traditions, I saw a humorous but nightmarish vision of a possible future in the Middle East as globalization and American democracy continue to dominate."

Read that and stop being offended. Emadi is not making fun of your women (well, perhaps he is, but get over yourselves)... He is also mocking Western civilisation and its frivolous opinion towards women and how they are presented/treated.

Think about it. Then make a constructive comment instead of whining and complaining. If you don't like it, move on... Create your own art to show us how amazing you are for opressing your women. =]

BlackRose said...

crazynloveless. I know what ur saying but. i just know that the artist knows these images will cause uproar and this is his sole intention. to get his art recognised. Him being a political genius comes as no surprise whatsoever. The idiot obviously has talent. sad he has to go about it the wrong way.. As for "oppressing women". lol this comment of yours obviously shows how biased the rest of your post was :D haha.

Fact is. he could have easily made an islamic calendar not so offensive.. His intention was to offend. his intention was to get his work recognised in this way. and i find that quite sad.

aishawriggles said...

what happened to freedom of speech?

Oerdin said...

I thought it was a pretty good piece. Yes, a great many people are to shallow to understand the rather deep message the artist is hinting at but it is very well done all the same.

OnceOnce said...

freedom of expression, what's life with out it, art is an outlet that should never be snuffed out

iLikeCatz said...

Wtf is this??? Is this how you see the cultured woman who wear hijab???? You think this is artistic??? what do you know about the purpose of it anyway????? See, that's what happens when the media makes Islam seem scary etc. .... People waste their paint trying to show the culture and thoughts they've been brainwashed with. Islam soooooo totally discourages what the woman is doing in that painting (in this case being a slut)

anyway, I don't see the purpose of it....

As I've heard somewhere from some famous dude, "the artist has a duty-to teach man (in this case, everyone) humanity and creativity" ....... Or something along those lines.....

but that painting does not do any of these things.... it's just plain nonesense because they don't go together at all.

Unknown said...

greatest art,,,is that your mom r wife,,do more on her and publish every nook and cranny of the world..
baba mohamed abubacker

Anonymous said...

it is not a way to make shame community because this dress will not suit to islamic girl so please remove this foto from your site

Unknown said...

I am a young muslim artist,I feel you are missing an element of morality not to mention creative ability. Can you please look at yourself and really ask is this art? or just plain down right taking the mick, i would NEVER think to portray any religion in a discusting manner in my work, it makes your work devalued and your intelligence seem like a a two year old, do yourself a favour and take this picture down.

wasim said...

this photo is not good pls remove that
pls respect the others feelings and there traditions that others can also and to provoke the feelings of other is a crime , i think and pls leave this crime and spread the brother hood in this world between the humens

Juned179 said...

this indiviual does not understand the nature of nor does he understand islam. does he think that the women that wears the islamic clothing has filfy thoughts in her head like he has of women of exposing their sexuality in that manner. for indeed the islam clothing is worn out of piety , to guard her modesty from strange men. this is the way of evil people of the west in portraying women as a sex object and ripping them of their sense of honour and how free is islam and its women from that.

this person needs to learn how to portray women in a respectful way and free his brian from filfy thoughts he has of women.

Mahmoud said...

This is offensive, insulting and rude way of attraction people attention, your painting has no sense of good art, what is the message you communicate? and where is the creativity?, any one can do it better, it is just a poor imagination from sick mind, it just reflect a dirty feelings towards Muslim women no more, people like you working to increase terrorism in the world, I do not think you will gain a real success, may GOD show you the right way for art and peace.

Unknown said...

ur an assholee!!!!
go draw piics of ur mother or somethiing!!!!
n while ur at it... buy urself a lyf!!!
u filthy, dirtly minded, harnful, ugly, asshole n animal!! n also a mfb!!!
if u were so "smart" ull now what MFB stands for!!
n btw... dats proplery how ur religion iz... u just think dat everybody elses religion is lyk urzz!!

zanatooo said...

Is this painting of a real person???!! If it is, I would live meet that woman. She is beautiful.

This is a beautiful painting.

zanatooo said...

Is this painting of a real person???!!! If it is, I'd love to meet her. She is beautiful.

This is a great painting!!

Unknown said...

shame on you!!!!
How could you do something like that.

It is just like you are making laugh of the christian clothes or any other religion traditions.

More than that Islam sublimes the soul of a human.

It gives us dignity & honesty.

So stop doing such offensive manners twards Islam.

because it is the greatest Religion GOD has gifted the humanity & you know nothing about it.

Get to know Islam well & you will be very regreted of doing that paint.

Anonymous said...

This photo is so disrespectful.If you dont have something tastful to post .DONT POST ANYTHING AT ALL DOESNT MATTER WHAT IT IS .NO MATTER WHAT RELIGION RACE NATIONALITY .

Unknown said...

I am a very strong successful Islamic woman; in fact I invent a lot of shapes of dildos and vibrators. My number one sale is vibrator that I made with the shape of Jesus while he was crucified and among us the Muslims ladies the sales are going up from year to another :) I am very prude to be Islamic woman and to know that I am not one but many! We are all over the world! We are the largest religion in this world! I don't have nothing person against Christians, but I do know and believe that my religion is the right one and this is one of the reasons that we are the largest one. Islamic women are very sexually active and the involve shape of Jesus or Buddha it’s a turn on to many of us!

Unknown said...

And by the way I love this photo! We live in a modern world and their are no secrets what is under our clothes, so please. I am sure that who ever said o... shame on you wouldn't mind to see a nun in this photo.. why? Well if you don't believe in freedom maybe you should NOT look in this type of pages in the internet from the first place, and move on... if you don’t believe in freedom why did you leave your words of criticism on this page… o… let me understand.. it is good to have the freedom of speech the freedom of art but only by your rules!! Lol. Rule number one: rules made to be broken!!! Especially when it’s about art!

Unknown said...

Its not acceptable to show the image of the Muslim woman lake that, they never wear this kind of dress and it’s not true, lot off people they want to beak the Islam religion, I’ll pry and ask the good to give the right way for all peoples that they didn’t understand what is the Islam


Noha said...

You know this is so typical of the "uprising political artists" that wants to grab media attention or maybe just a few couple of hundreds views to prove something we all already know.

Taking a piggy back ride on a religion that is already attacked by literally every ignorant media, politician, artist, writer, speaker, and commoners, doesn't really prove how brilliant you are. But in fact it proves how weak you are to spread the art you draw originally.

The mere idea that popped in you hear to drawing such "artistic" painting gave you the power that you have exceeded a level that will uproar people in a way and make them look at your art. True!

However, you never thought of the consequences. Sure, everyone will say this is art (to those who believe any doodle is art even if it's without taste), but you never really understand how Islam spreads. It's by someone like yourself.

Many converts I know personally, converted to Islam after hearing so many attackers and many unjust act toward a religion and people who follow it.

They sought the truth by reading more about the religion. And in the end, they embraced Islam.
You think someone would embrace something if it oppresses them or make them feel less of a human. It's common sense.

So all I have to say is, Thank you!

Rizaldo said...

thou there is freedom of speech or thoughts to express in any form of art, but not to express biases and firlthy state of minds as art. God mend you ways.

Unknown said...

its not appreciating that u r making fun of any religion..this is

rule-of-thumb said...

DO NOT BE ANNOYED BY THIS PAINTIG!!! Everyone knows that women who wear the Burka (is that how you spell it?..ops) are respectable, religious women who would never do anything like this. I disagree with someone who said it wasn't creative but I do agree that it's offensive because that's the intention of the painting.

When someone bullies you all they are looking for is your reaction. Your being infuriated by the incongruous nature of this painting is only fueling the flames. I know it's fun to get angry but doing so only makes the effect intended stronger. If you really don't agree with this statment the artist is making, then the best thing to do is to ignore it and mock it insead of reacting the way he wants you to.

(no offence to the painter either - you are entitled to your opinion and are very talented in realism)

Unknown said...





mariam.abed said...

Just wondering ...
If Islam is not the Truth, why do people lie on it and get things that are not from Islam and claim it is Islamic.

Very simply it is Allah's religion so it has no weaknesses, that's you have to lie to spot a weakness.

Mani said...

In my personal opinion art is the creativity but mostly persons like "Emadi" who are mentally sick and distorted take subjects like this to get attention of the people around them. There are so many real dilemma in the present Islamic culture which can be subjected like education, health, non Islamic traditions, Islamic cultural clothing’s etc. More so, Iranian culture is very rich and has so many other subjects which could have been highlighted. In fact in society like "U.S" in particular, the honor of the women has been molested by men just by viewing them as a sexual tool. They have forgotten the teachings of their religion where all women are to treated as the Holy Marry " Hazrat Maryam A.S.W. Emadi is indeed a child who got confused during his brought up in US and has become distorted in his thoughts. He by design can not go beyond the Muslim thinking and also doesn’t have courage to be fully westernized. So, in fact he and his creations do not have any linkage with Islamic ideology. The respect and honor which Alhamdolillah Islam gives to a woman as mother, daughter, sister and respected wife are exemplary. So, it is the time for Emadi and others, to get themself on right track. Just need to think wisely............ and deeply............ ??

Unknown said...

The only problem Islam is facing now is the level of understanding of most Muslims. Most of them especially Islamic leaders do a lot of unspeakable things in the corner of their rooms and will come out claiming to be holy. I am a Muslim from Nigeria and I don't think there is anything wrong with this painting.
There is nothing wrong in expressing your view with pen and paper or drawing

Unknown said...

this is not the way to show respect for women islam is the only religion who say in quran the wrights of women.

Bearded Man with a Throne in the Clouds said...

No, what is highly offensive are the religious people of the world who think they have ANY kind of moral right or obligation to tell someone else what they can and can't do!

This is a depiction of a woman partially covered in cloth - period. Any kind of "meaning" you extract BEYOND THAT is strictly your own narrow-minded, subjective interpretation of what you see based on your own personal (and learned) associations and symbology.

The title says "Islamic" and you imbeciles fall for it hook, line, and sinker! Grow up.

The IRONY AND IDIOCY of this thread truly prove the artist's genius! How many of you on here have claimed to be offended that this artist's only goal was to be offensive?!?! LMFAO!! Don't you get it??? You're upset that his goal was to offend you, yet YOU are the IDIOTS who are WILLFULLY VALIDATING his success by expressing your ridiculous outrage!!


Your narcissistic lunacy has been fully exposed and now there's nothing you can do to take it back! God, that is beautiful! ROTFLMFAO!!

Your obsession with your own self-importance and your warped beliefs in "righteousness" and "blasphemy" are the oddest and most harmful disorders the world has ever known - even when the Christians were guilty of it during the Crusades and Inquisitions. Thankfully, the Christians have mostly stopped, but now the Muslims have gladly picked-up that same torch of insanity.

The harmless acts of another person (ie- the creation of a painting, or a cartoon, or even the flushing of a book down a toilet) has NO bearing or reflection on YOU, whatsoever. An artist's statement says more about the artist than it does about you. What's hilarious, here, is what YOUR statements are saying about YOU!

A person of TRUE strength can accept the good with the bad. Is your God so weak that "He" can't deal with these people when their times come? Isn't there a major contradiction in the belief that this ALL-POWERFUL, ALMIGHTY GOD needs measly peons like YOU to carry out his will? You guys are laughable, at best, and insufferable tyrants, at worst.

Trust me, the world WILL NOT be a better place if you succeed in getting everyone to stay in lockstep and think like you.

This piece is a wonderful success! And the degree to which it is successful is based ENTIRELY on your zealous and enthusiastic willingness to be SO offended at the drop of a hat! YOU are the ones who have made this a true work of art! This just proves that your outrage and anger are the things that make you... HAPPY? Good luck with that! :D

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful.

Unknown said...

Islam is the world's best religion to blind opponents Damn

Andi AF Studio said...


admin said...


Ahmed Iqbal said...

Hey i don't know who you are but know that you didn't ever RESPECT your mother,Sister or daughter otherwise you can't release this picture. Let me clear you one thing that you can print whatever you want but from your own BLOODY religion and not from ours.
You can't even imagine how much sacred our religion is.
So for next time keep this in mind and don't even think for making something for any of the women who belongs to our religion.
we will not tolerate this.

Unknown said...

hats off to this piece! it's eye opening. i don't know how people can be complaining about this. it's art. it's supposed to take us out of our everyday thought..supposed to catch us off guard. the artist obviously knows that islamic women don't "dress" like this or whatever so chill it's just a painting of a woman in his own interpretation. every human is entitled to express himself so if you feel offended, engage yourself in something that is not offensive in your eyes...

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