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Islamic Marilyn Monroe
God is Great
36 x 48 inches oil on canvas
Max Emadi 2006
The photograph of Marilyn Monroe with skirt blown up from the movie "The Seven Year Itch" is one of the most well-known images of the movie goddess. In a painting after this image, Max Emadi captures an Islamic woman in traditional dress and veil in front of the mosque with her dress blown up exposing her legs.
I don't care what you think. This is sexy.
That is so disrespectful and NOT art.
The veil was not only worn by Muslims but also by the jewish and the Christians so not only are you disrespecting Islam, but also other religions too.
Why is it when the Jewish and Christians do something its fine, but is deemed bad when Muslims do it. You people have a habit of trying to taint everything that tries to be pure and good.
This artwork has no nobility and should be burnt.
"You people have a habit of trying to taint everything that tries to be pure and good."
You people, you, you you...*shakes fist*
"This artwork has no nobility and should be burnt."
Shut up...and grow a sense of humor.
you all try to show wrong image of islam and muslims.ALLAH's curse be upon those.......who are trying to make pictures like this and hurt muslims sentiments.you perish for this.may ALLAH give you hidayath or you die with shit in your mouth.
Artist max you idiot burn the images right now or else i should go for a legal action...! God will punish you in the hell but i will show u what will happen in world it self.by legally...mind it as soon as possible i am comming to finding you out and by the help of your own country government i am going to make legally punished by them.
u rude dirty how chold u stare at a women have dignity ...and even worse talk about her in the sites
u r not n her level becoz u have no dignity u shold go to the hoe bags coz it's there job they r also exactly like u ..u have no rigth 2 say all te insultable things u have said it... evry shamed women who has dignity will feel so much imberessed coz some 1 like u talks about her like that u sick minded
I had the pleasure of working in Yanbu, Saudi Arabia in the summer of 1983. About 10 days after I arrived, Ramadan began. While the sun was up, the town was almost deserted , but after the sun went down, Yanbu came to life. The streets in town were full of people from all over the world. One of the traditions there was for women to come to town and buy gold at the gold souks. While in town one evening, I was walking past one of the souks just as 3 local women were walking out. All of a sudden, a big (rare) gust of wind blew up and lifted the abaya and skirt of one the women, much like the painting. It was shocking and I felt a little ashamed. Not because I'm a prude, but because as an outsider, I tried to understand the Saudis and respect Islamic values, the best I could. Yes, the woman had a stunning body, which was normally impossible to see, but I did avert my eyes as quickly as possible. I felt like I had intruded in a place I should not have been. That moment has haunted me for 27 years.
And now , every Muslim must be very happy and content !!!because those unbelievers, including this artist who draw this ugly picture , in spite of their great advance in science and power , are still full of fear and fright from Islam !!!and that is for a simple and only reason: ISLAM IS THE TRUTH .
And you ,what called 'artist' do you think that Islam order people to stand nude in front of Mosques ?
I want you to look around , simply have a look at your societies ,and till me who do that ,we MUSLIMS , OR YOU ?!!!
Dude remove it its disrespectful image plsssssssssssssssssssssss remove it our religion not give permission to wear like this veil
if ur a real human remove it
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Finish the picture or go to Hell
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