Ms December Dancer's Feet

Painting of the feet of a Persian belly dancer
Ms. December

Let's wind up the year letting off a bit of steam with the focus on the feet of a belly dancer.

Ms November - Dancer's Cymbals

Ms November calendar girl painting by Max Emadi

Ms. November

Max Emadi starts to turn down the volume as the year winds up. No more legs or seductive eyes in this painting; just a pair of hands of a belly dancer with her maracas.

Ms October Islamic Calendar Girl

Ms October Islamic calendar girl painting by Max EmadiMs October
Ms. October doubles the stakes offering us the prospect of both sex and alcohol as she takes up her revealing pose in a martini glass.

Ms September Islamic Calendar Girl

Ms. September

Ms. September winks at us while holding cards in her hands that count to 9/11.

This painting has been sold.

Ms August Islamic Calendar Girl

Ms August Islamic calendar girl painting

Ms. August

Ms. August lies on the floor and looks back over her shoulder at us. She appears to want us to join her.

Ms July Islamic Calendar Girl

Ms. July

Ms. July lays back on a sheet in the color of Islamic green. Her black robe appears to be the equivalent of a mini-skirt and is hitched high to show her long slender legs. Red stiletto shoes are a complement to the green of the sheet.

Read Max Emadi's comments on his Islamic Erotica series

Ms June Islamic Calendar Girl

Ms June

Ms June is heavily veiled and in fact looks a little scary in her veil. However she appears to be quite welcoming with her robe drawn aside revealing her naked body beneath.

Ms May Islamic Calendar Girl

Ms. May

Ms. May dressed in black on a pink background hitches her robe to display her long slender legs and stiletto shoes.

Ms April Islamic Calendar Girl

Ms. April
As Max Emadi moves through the calendar he appears to become bolder. Having lifted the veil, he's now lifting the robe as well.
Ms. April appears naked except for her veil in fact.

Ms March Islamic Calendar Girl

Painting Ms March by Max Emadi
Ms. March
The eyes say it all. Although a woman might be veiled, the power of her gaze can't be denied. If that's all that's left for her to communicate her interest or desire, the more powerful they can become.

Ms. February Islamic Calendar Girl

Ms February by Max EmadiMs. February

A veiled and robed Islamic woman stands against the wind staring us down.

Ms. January Islamic Calendar Girl

Ms. January by Max Emadi

Ms. January

Max Emadi begins his Islamic Calendar Girl series at an easy pace. Nothing particularly erotic here. The woman's face is decorated with medalions and beads, and her eyes sparkle.

Islamic Women as Pinup Girls

Makan (Max) Emadi's recent art always packs a punch or pokes a stick at some political figure or cultural standard. Max's "Islamic Calendar Girl" series is a provocative view of the image of Islamic women and traditional Islamic dress.

Other works of political art by Max, including a painting of President George W Bush nude, can be seen in his Terrorists and Freedom Fighters series.

Max Emadi's own commentary on the intent of his Islamic Erotica series can be read here.

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