Islamic Women as Pinup Girls

Makan (Max) Emadi's recent art always packs a punch or pokes a stick at some political figure or cultural standard. Max's "Islamic Calendar Girl" series is a provocative view of the image of Islamic women and traditional Islamic dress.

Other works of political art by Max, including a painting of President George W Bush nude, can be seen in his Terrorists and Freedom Fighters series.

Max Emadi's own commentary on the intent of his Islamic Erotica series can be read here.


Muslim Woman said...


I think he is a crazy man. Islamic Women are the most honorable women in the world. Muslim women are promoted and honor has no right to violate privacy. He feels jealous because he wants to know what is under this cover. But he is in dream, because no one can see the beauty of Islamic women except her husband or father or her brothers and her uncles. I challenge him to see the real beauty of Islamic women especially for who are veiled. Islamic women are not crazy to show her beauty to everyone, she respects her husband and not betrayal him in his presence and his absence.

Maysoon said...


I second that. At first, I thought that I will not lower myself to comment on such absurdity, but after seeing the rest of the paintings (from Mr. Emadi's imagination) I had to speak up for Muslim women all over the world.

The Muslim women is the most honorable women depicted in any religion or culture. She knows that her beauty was given to her by God Almighty so that it could be enjoyed by selected people only;

"And say to the believing women that
they should lower their gaze and guard
their modesty; that they should not
display their beauty except that which is
apparent (face and hands) and to draw
their veils over their bosoms, and not to
reveal their beauty except to their
husbands , their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers or their brothers' or sisters' sons"

Islam has elevated the woman to a level you presently do not understand and that is apparent from these degrading images.

Unknown said...

this comm is for "muslim women" and "maysoon".

i just wanted to say that beauty isn't a sin and shouldn't be hidden (in my opinion). Therefore, showing more then just ur hands and eyes isn't a bad thing, AND ISN'T A SIGN OF BETRAYAL...u think if i wear jeans and a t-shirt it means i'm betraying anybody :S:S:S

OF COURSE,i'm not saying arab women should be flashing themselves in public and sh*t, but they shouldn't be afraid of showing who they are (and their body is part of their identity). I'm a Lebanese women and in my opinion, if the women in Saudi Arabia had the chance to express their identity, personality, taste and individuality through their appearance, it would be a great step towards intellectual equality between men and women there (because they would be recognize by society as individuals and not look-alikes).

about this painting: MOST (not all) women in saudi arabia wear something really...trashy... under the traditional veil. we see that at doctor's offices, etc... i'm not sating they are "dishonorable" women..i'm saying that not being able to show their unique taste in public makes them rebel that way.

PS: IF I'M CHRISTIAN IT DOESN'T MEAN THAT I'M NOT ONE OF "the most honorable women in the world"... HONOR DOESN'T HAVE TO DO WITH RELIGION!!!!! free yourself damnit!

thank u :)

????? said...

Salaam, I would just like to say I agree with two people 'Muslim women' and 'Maysoon', although in some sense I feel this artist max emadi is trying to send a message out to Muslim men, to understanding the beauty under the veil because in western countries, women veiling is not appreciated for the purpose the veil is worn, and most men see women wearing headscarf’s, hijaab, libaas unattractive. People may find his work insulting towards Muslim women, but that’s our personal opinions in what way we understand his work.

Ketty, like you implied ‘women shouldn’t be afraid to show their bodies’……the reason women cover up is to protect them self for the gaze of unknown men…and it is written in the ‘Quran’ and I don’t think you should give advice like you have…..when they have done such a good job following Islam so far! And beauty isn’t a sin but if you use it in the wrong way it can be…life is a test!

ONESiXdesign said...

this is insulting islam...please remove it..

bleach16 said...

Beauty is not a sin but it is something that is like a jewel. If you have it then you do not let the whole world see it. It something you cherish to yourself and to only a few others. In Islam, beauty is never a sin but is God blesses you with beauty then you do not flash it to the world. Making a calendar like this is disrespectful to Muslims (ESPECIALLY the ones that cover me...I am offended when I see something like this). A women in Islam who covers would not take photos like this and pose almost naked for the world to see. Your body is part of your identity for the people you dont need to have an identity by showing people your body too. Thats very stupid to think that way. You dont even need to show your face for identity. Your voice and your actions and personality are enough identity. If the women in saudi showed themselves and became that way...then saudi would be no more different than the US and other countries. Although they may wear something "trashy" underneath, at least in public they cover up. And what they wear underneath of course is supposed to be modest covering from atleast chest to knees but if they wear something revealing then that is not islam. I just want people to know that because in Islam, there are rules to how to dress modestly. Actually covering myself has freed me beyond your comprehension. To be a Muslim and to not be oppressed by the "be a free women and be independent" mind set of the West, I am very very very happy. I feel that I do not have to be push myself to look and behave beautiful and attract men and show off how much I have. To be able to cover up and be different and show some modesty in this world where almost all is gone, I feel that it is a beautiful thing. I just want people to know that being a Muslim women doesnt mean you are oppressed or your father and brothers and all the men hit you and beat you and make you cover yourselves. My father and my brothers are the best people in the world. If I never got married, I would be happy to live with them forever. I recently started wearing a niqab too and no one in my family wears it although they do wear hijab. I felt that it was a great thing to wear it like the women of Islam in the past wore it. I love it alot! Maybe your intention was not wrong but the way you did it will not get across properly in most cases. To show off the womens body in this way is like saying "go get'em because they look just like any other woman under that black thing". The reason we cover is so that people will look at our intellect and our behavior and personality rather than "oh shes pretty. I like her." Its also far beyond just covering our body. Beauty is not a sin...but if its used in the wrong way like nowadays, it will become one. In my "Muslim woman who covers" opinion, the beauty of a woman is seen more when she covers.

Ruksana Bakir said...

I am not a fanatic but just want to say that; if a woman 'chooses' to cover up then who is Max Emadi to undress them in his calendar. Let him portray the millions of naked, shameless, semi-naked girls walking on our streets. Isn't that exposure enough?

His calendar is aimed at muslim women. Why does it have to be about any religion?

Unknown said...

Shame on this artist.

we can't give comments to this artist. May Allah give him his reward for this.

Oh John, wait for Allah's Azab(punishment), you did a very wrong thing indeed.

Unknown said...

i dont thing so she is islamic women

Anonymous said...

"By combining the seemingly contradictory images of Islamic dress and American pinup art, we see a nightmarish vision of a possible future in the Middle East, as globalization and American and European democracy attempt to dominate while fundamentalist traditions hold fast in the region."

i urged the moslems to take a look at what lies behind the arts and what thoughts lingered in max emadi's mind when he created those series of 'veil'ed cover girl.

scary? dont you think? but that may happen if the moslems are not strong in their belief and do not hold on to the al-quran and the as-sunnah. that may happen when the moslems allow westernization creeps on to our lives and changed our mentality to think and adopt their way of life. I have seen this happening. trust me, maybe not to the arabic society just yet, but on the street in london, you can see the pakistani shalwar's, what was long, loose and modest and covering their awrah in pakistan, no longer do the same thing when they are in london. the shalwar in london are bold, sleeveless and fitted. if emadi were to do an art series of it, it will be equivalent to these calendar series of the black veiled women.

what we can do is, take it as a positive and constructive criticism to strengthen our believes and faith in Islam and pray hard for Allah SWT to protect the dignity of this ad-deen.


Anonymous said...

whoever has created this painting has taken a mockery of islam -by taking the mockery of the womens covering in islam, and whoever takes a mockery of islam in general and he/she is muslim -then he/she has become an apostate and if he/she doesnt repent before dying then is considered a disbeliever and no janazah is to be prayed for him/her, if the person is a disbeliever and takes the mockery of islam then he/she has no sanctity for his/her life, honour and property.

as for the comments ketty made,the answer to her futile comments are:- as a muslim we believe that whether it makes sense or not, if God has truly ordered something with established scientific evidence, then it is to be followed without any comments as we believed(with proof and conviction) in God already whom we submit our will and all decisions, our lives are not just lusts or desires that we follow or obey, but rather our obedience is to the one creator who created me , you , your father, and your forefathers. look at the history and see how many strong nations were destroyed and left as ruins for us to take heed and follow/submit to that supreme God.

Unknown said...

this is absurd! what a mockery of our sacred religion. Allah will surely punish you for this!

Unknown said...


please SET BACK ur mind!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, just want to say what this guy has done is can u ever think of doing such a thing.
Inshallah he will get his punishment on the day of judgement.

abdol said...

we know most of moslam women had anal sex befor maridge

Unknown said...

Salam alaikum, this work isn't portraying any benefit for anyone.
Ketty, please don't bring that "identity" topic into this. Identity by looks is most of the time deceiving! I am a young man that wants to get married. I personally get disgusted when I see women reveal any of their body for everyone to see. when I look at a veiled woman, I feel respect for that person and I honor her. thus, making me want to marry such a girl. And the personality of such women will only be better because in the end they are people with identities, only difference is that they respect themselves more than others do. you might think that revealing has nothing to do with it. I'm sure you're used to it now, but don't you or any revealing woman get weird stares from everybody? if not then i'm sorry for you and your people may Allah show you the light.
and abdul... please... go get it yourself, ok?
Peace! ^^

Unknown said...

It's a pitty for the low standard brains of some idiot to imagine like that, his really psychologically severe disturbed minded dumb ass who does not have any idea for the True Nature of our religion please report this kinda stuff where eva u see.

arwa said...

i would spet on you f i saw u ..u have no honor and ur parents 2 some 1 a garbage pethatic like u evry girl has a dignity will feel soooo sorry about u
i just cant c nothing but the humelation 4 hte muslim women from a ppl like u ...i mean
y do u keep staring at us i can say it what u want u can take it easily from women n ur country Y US ????1!!
i wouldent answer on u when i saw that and most of the muslim women do'nt answer when they c pics like that becoz they just dont wanna get dowwwwwwwwn 2 ur level and waist there time u r just jealous coz some 1 like u cant have a respectable women who has an honor ofcourse i think u cant have nothing but ur dirty shit inside ur mouth and stop wasting ur time want to c what is inside i feel sooo much soooooory about u i dont usually answer but the rest of the horable pics drove me 2

Petite Nakomertje said...


I agree with everyone EXCEPT Ketty and Abdol. Shame on you Max Emadi for creating this so-called piece of art that clearly degrades the high value of Muslim women, especially those who wear hejab!
May Allah forgive him and spare him from the torture in the afterlife...ameen!


Unknown said...

Omg! I am Persian but American born and only my paternal Grandmother is a practicing Muslim and I don't agree with a woman being covered up to each his own and I find this art disgusting! Lol! I feel so dirty looking at it. It's not even a real woman and I feel as though someone is being violated. I'm sure it appeals to some of the women who are sick and tired of being covered up against their will and this is a form of rebelion and also to some pervert some where and definitely to anti-muslim fanatics but I am a very open minded artist myself and my stomach is still turning! I'm laughing at the same time b/c I am so grossed out but hey whatever floats your boat but I would see a psychiatrist about this, it may be some deep seeded issues with the women in your life growing up that were covered up or the girls who rejected you. Yuck! Lmao!

Unknown said...

To KETTY, what does that even have to do with what is being discussed? First of all, learn how to spell: it's marriage. Second of all, you're are a disgusting excuse for a human being. You probably had anal sex with your goat before marriage. I feel sorry for the woman forced into any relationship with you, I will pray for her. Get off the computer and pick up a book, you degenerate.

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